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As long as our soul and our personality are in harmony, all is joy and peace, happiness and health!

The main reason for modern science is that it treats the symptoms and not the causes.

Dr. Edward Bach

Why use Bach Flowers?

Developed in England by Doctor Edouard Bach, homeopath and bacteriologist, the 38 Bach Flowers are floral elixirs containing a " vibrational energy " specific to each flower, which actabout negative emotions or moodsin order to change them positively.


Dr. Bach listed these 38 flowers in 7 categories according to the emotions on which they act :fears, uncertainties, lack of interest in the present, loneliness, hypersensitivity to the influences and ideas of others, discouragement and excessive concern for the well-being of others._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


They also aim to help people facing changes: it may be a new project, retirement, job loss, a plan, the arrival of a un baby, a  moving, stress, bereavement, un lack of motivation, depression, a toxic relationship, etc.... 


There are also 2 emergency remedies " Rescue ", et  “ Rescue Night”of respectively 5 and 6 flowers: 

  • Rock rose (Helianthème) to deal with panic fears

  • Impatiens (Impatient) for lack of patience, annoyance, tension

  • Clematis (Clematis) to promote concentration, rooting in the present,

  • Cherry Plum (Prunier myrobalan)  for se control and not lose control

  • Star of Bethlehem (Star of Bethlehem), in case of great grief, trauma

  • White Chestnut (White Chestnut) in case of ruminations, large preoccupations in the Rescue Night.


These are used occasionally, for a few days, not more than 6 days.These are  the best-known and best-selling remedies in France. It is an immediate response to a temporary difficulty or negative mood. It is also possible to use it in prevention, unlike other Bach Flowers (anticipation of a distressing situation, an examination, a migraine or to be taken from the first_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_symptoms…). 

Rescue can be mixed with other elixirs and in this case it counts as a Flower.

How to use Bach Flowers?

4 doses 4 times a day (of the prepared mixture or single flower) ideally for a period of 3 weeks.

They are taken orally in the mouth directly or in a drink; notWe will find together the most suitable use according to your lifestyle!

Other uses are possible, in particular in cosmetic products, in cutaneous applications, in baths, etc.We will advise you at better after our interview.


Bach flowers are quite available to the public, but  il is stronglyrecommended to speak with a counselor beforehand to clearly determine the emotions to target and the prioritiesknowing that some flower properties may resemble each other but have significant nuances. 

No contraindication. 

No side effects.

Suitable for everyone(children, pregnant women, people under medical treatment, people elderly animals...).

We disposons d'elixirs with and without alcohol.

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Number of sessions to plan?

A “ floral therapy ” can last from a few days to several months:


The result is often very fast in the case of a crisis or passing mood, sometimes from the first takes because the positive vibrations of the flowers will quickly harmonize the imbalances.


For Older Ingrained Negative Emotions, the process may be longer: indeed, the first emotions that we will have targeted will lead to awareness going back to other buried feelings.

We are going to act in " entonnoir " to pinpoint the mother emotion responsible for the malaise.


There1st sessionconsists of an interview and the development of your personalized elixir.


During the 2nd session, we take stock of the positive changes and awareness;

another tailor-made elixir will be prepared or readjusted.

Other additional sessions can be considered if you feel the need, but the idea is also to make you independent in the use of Bach Flowers if you feel the need.

Duration of the session: environ 1h

Price of the session alone (elixir offered): 70€

Price of the session associated with un other treatment: €50

The accompaniment and the Bach Flowers ne replace any treatment, medical advice or psychological approach.

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