ON 07/14/2022 AT 3 p.m.

Pourquoi purifier un lieu?
Registrations are open!
Collective energetic healing at a distance from the Moon Pain.
ThereFull moonsymbolically represents the period when energy reaches its peak, to then discharge superfluous and negative; it is a way of preparing for a new chapter, a period conducive to releases, letting go, forgiveness.
The July Full Moon actually takes place on July 13 around 8:38 p.m. (France) and therefore its energies will be optimal for the next 24 hours, which is why I offer the treatment the next day on Thursday July 14 at 3 p.m.
This treatment allowssmoothing your aura, increasing your vibratory rate, realigning and recharging your chakras, releasing negative energies, which allows a recirculation of energies and the "integration of new possibilities" (i.e. potentially unblock situations), but also can contribute to the alleviation of pain, symptoms, reduce stress, etc.
This treatment is open to all and has been set up with the aim of allowing everyone to benefit from positive energies and releases according to their means in conscience.
Participation in free donation, minimum of 5€(distance session price 70€)
You can register your animals, young children (under 5 years old)
Do not register anyone without their consent(Free will)
Full Moon remote energy treatment on July 14, 2022 at 3 p.m.
It is a collective energy care at a distance. I connect to the energy of the group and send everyone the energy that will do its work where you need it.
Attention this is not a live guided treatment on Facebook or Youtube, so you do not have a link, but it is a remote energy treatment, where you receive the energy that I send to you from where you will be at that time.
The benefits and "effectiveness" are almostidentical to an individual treatmentbecause the energy is "intelligent"; the difference is that I will not do individual debriefing as I usually do, and the care will be a little less specific (on a particular issue), but it will still act where you need it most physically, emotionally, spiritually ..
Registration only by email (for ease of management)/Participation free donation from 5 Euros.
2 choices are available to you to receive the energy (valid for all the remote care that I offer):
- Either you give yourself a moment for yourself: this allows you to sometimes feel sensations of cold, heat, oppression or relief in certain areas of the body, visualization of scenes, colors, etc.. even to fall asleep, everything is possible: this does not impact the effects but allows you to "live the experience"
- Either you do something else (work, walk, etc.) and you will receive the energy at the most favorable time for you. A single instruction: issue an intention (see below), feel involved in the process.
TREATMENT PROCEDURE for available persons:
(We will avoid drinking alcohol 4 hours before the treatment)
5 to 10 minutes before the treatment:
Drink a large glass of water, tea or infusion.
If you wish, you can create a relaxing atmosphere: burn incense, or diffuse an essential oil, light a candle, listen to soft music, and lie down (or sit down) with a small blanket available for you. feel as comfortable as possible, quiet and undisturbed.
PLEASE TURN YOUR PHONE ON SILENT (preferably no vibration) OR AIRPLANE MODE so that you are fully focused on your moment.
The treatment begins at 3 p.m. (Paris time) and lasts the time that will be necessary for each person, from 20 min to 1 hour (the time you give to it will be the right one)
Quelles sont les causes des problèmes récurrents dans un lieu?

If you do the session in consciousness, that is to say by giving yourself a moment:
Try at the beginning to take 3 deep breaths to start and if possible continue this relaxing breath throughout the session. Close your eyes.
You can view:
- a white or golden light that envelops you and spreads throughout your body, expelling all the negative
- or just a positive memory
- You can just relax and try to clear your mind (meditative state)
If you can't empty it, it's ok, the treatment will also work!
Afterwardsto connect to energy, you say if you agree with it (aloud, low or inwardly) or rephrase in your own way :
"I agree to receive healing and healing energies for my highest good.
I agree to let go of everything that I no longer need, and everything that blocks my evolution.
From now on, I am moving forward, I am attracting abundance and positive situations in all areas of my life. Thanks "
If you are afraid of forgetting, you can read these sentences as soon as you register, or a few hours before the treatment without any problem.
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Remember to stay hydratedafter the treatmentand for 48 hours (drink a little more water than usual)
Once the session is over, the effects will operate for the next 21 days;Just be a little more in tuneyour body, your intuition, your life! Sometimes, a "healing crisis" can occur when the body is freed from emotions (usually within 7 days of the session): transient migraines, realizations, stomach ache, laughter, encounters, etc.EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
I would like to point out that, as in any energy treatment, I call on Universal Energy and the beings of Light that I send to the people concerned by the treatment with the intention of well-being.
But what happens next is not mine. The energy is "intelligent" and goes where the person needs it most so that they are more aligned with their life mission and their soul, I do not control their action, nor the resulting results or consequences.

Contribution/donation:Because receiving an energy session is a personal and conscious process, I offer you this collective treatment for the modest participation of5€ minimum per person, you are free to adjust it according to what is right for you and for me, in exchange for care.
Either by credit card or paypal via this link:
FOR YOUR REGISTRATIONBe sure to send aemail tobeautydermparis@gmail.comwith your first and last name(especially for people participating for the 1st time) so that I can send you a registration confirmation email.
Only people who have received a confirmation email from me will receive the treatment..If you do not receive confirmation, do not hesitate to check your spam and get back to me before 2 p.m. on the day of the treatment.
Registration closes on 07/14/22 at 2:30 p.m. sharp.
For reasons of time and organisation, no registration will be taken into account after this deadline.
Thank you very much and see you soon
Que peut apporter le nettoyage d'un lieu?